OU degree exam time table 2018-2019 Pdf exam dates
OU degree exam time table 2018-2019 Pdf exam dates : Osmania University, Hyderabad conducting every year of 1st year 1st semester, 2nd Semester, 2nd year 3rd semester, 4th Semester, 3rd year 5th sem and 6th Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations for Under Graduate (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. BCA, BBM, etc) Courses of Degree in the months of Nov/Dec and March/April month. So candidates can check official OU degree exam time table through this article, we attached a direct link in Pdf format at bottom of this page.
OU degree exams are scheduled to be held from 6th March 2018 and examinations ends on 11th April 2018.
OU degree exam time table 2018-2019 Pdf exam dates
The students belonging to the Osmania University and who have enrolled in Under Graduation (UG) Degree courses B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. BCA, BBM, etc can view the timetable for appear to the examinations. OU degree exams are scheduled tobe held from 6th March 2018 and examinations ends on 11th April 2018.
Read More : Manabadi OU Degree Exam Results 2018
Instruction to B.Sc (Y.W.S) II YEAR(BACKLOG)
- The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this examinations.
- The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination hall rests with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of result.
- Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall..
- Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, O.U., immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
- It has been decided to remove Industrial Chemistry and Forestry subjects from the Time Table, since there were no candidates appeared for the earlier examination. If any candidate is appearing for this examination, the Controller of Examinations may be informed well in advance so that the necessary arrangement shall be made.
Instruction to B.Sc. (VOCATIONAL) II YEAR (Backlog)
- The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this examinations.
- The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination hall rests with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of result.
- Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall..
- Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, O.U., immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
- It has been decided to remove Industrial Chemistry , Computer Maintenance, Computer Applications and Bio-Technology subjects from the Time Table, since there were no candidates appeared for the earlier examination. If any candidate is appearing for this examination, the Controller of Examinations may be informed well in advance so that the necessary arrangement shall be made.
1. Candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch will not be examined. If any Candidate is found not eligible at a later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this Examination.
2. Hall rests with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of Result.
3. Cell Phones & Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
4. Any Omission or clash may be intimated to The C.O.E., O.U. immediately on receipt of the Time Table.
5. B.Com Computer & Computer Applications Common Papers.
6. B.Com. Computer Applications & Vocational I Year candidates are not eligible to write Business Economics.
7. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examinations.
1. Candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch will not be examined. If any Candidate is found not eligible at a later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this Examination.
2. Hall rests with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of Result.
3. Cell Phones & Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
4. Any Omission or clash may be intimated to The C.O.E., O.U. immediately on receipt of the Time
5. B.Com. Computer Applications & Vocational I Year candidates are not eligible to write Business Economics.
6. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examinations.
1. The candidates who have backlog papers of II Year Fundamentals of Inf. Technology to be appear in I year, II year Cost & Mgmt. Accounting paper to be appear in III year Cost & Mgmt. Accounting examination. III year Tax Law&Practice to be appear in II year Taxation (Direct & Indirect Tax) Examination.
2. Any Omission or Clash may be intimated to The Controller of Examinations, O.U. Immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
3. The Candidates whose forms are rejected by The Examination Branch will not be examined. If any Candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this Examination.
4. Cell Phones & Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed in the Examination Hall
Instructions to B.Com (C.D.E) I , II & III YEAR ( Regular, Computers & OUS Backlog)
The Regular students of III year, who have studied in the Academic year 2016 – 17, have to write University exam as per new pattern 80 marks (except Accounting Systems & Web Programming ) and submit Internal Assignment for 20 marks at P.G.R.R.C.D.E.
1. Any Omission or clash may be intimated to The Controller of Examinations, O.U. Hyderabad immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
2. The Candidates whose forms are rejected by The Examination Branch should not be examined. If any Candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this Examinations.
3. Cell Phones & Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed in the Examination Hall.
1. The Responsibility for Obtaining Correct Question Paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rest with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question Paper may lead to cancellation of
2. All the I II & III year Backlog candidates are requested to write as per New Question paper pattern ( 80 Marks) except computer papers
a. The students of I year, who have joined in the Academic year 2014 – 15, have to write University exam s per new pattern 80 marks and submit Internal Assignment for 20 marks for Ist & IInd languages at P.G.R.R.C.D.E.
b. Any Omission or clash may be intimated to The Controller of Examinations, O.U. immediately on receipt of the Time Table.
c. Candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch will not be examined. If any Candidate is found not eligible at a later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this Examinations.
1) The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the Candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of Result.
2) Cell Phones & Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
Note points to B. A. REGULAR & VOCATIONAL I Year (Backlog only) III YEAR (Regular & Backlog) and B.A. / B.A. Vocational II Year (Backlog)
1. The Candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and
if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this
2. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination
Hall rests with the candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to cancellation
of result.
3. Cell Phones and Programmable Calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
4. Any omissions or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, O.U. Hyd–500007,
5. The application forms for Tourism – I, II, & III, Sanskrit (CL), Persian (CL), Statistics, Maths,
Computer Applications (Vocational), Applied Maths, Rural Industrialization are not being
received. Hence, it has been decided to remove these subjects from the Time-Table. If any
candidate is appearing for the examination in these subjects, the Controller of Examinations may be
informed well in advance, so that the necessary arrangements shall be made.
6. Modern Language – Telugu III & IV paper only will have both New / Old Question papers. This is the last chance for candidate appearing with the old syllabus.
OU degree exam time table 2018-2019 Pdf exam dates : Download
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