Sunday, May 31, 2015

Training programmes to In-service teachers in Telangana

School Academic Calendar 2015-16-Training programmes to In-service teachers

Training programmes to In-service teachers

(A) Primary teachers: A 6-day programme on English language teaching learning process @ 3 days on classroom transaction for classes I and II 3-days for classes III to V.
(B) Upper Primary and High Schools: 4-day training programme in all the subjects on following areas.
• Content enrichment and clarification of doubts.

• Classroom teaching learning process.

• Assessment (CCE)- Focus on Formative and Summative Assessment and preparing question papers duly following the blueprint.

• Co-curricular activities

(C) Training to teachers working in English medium schools (Success Schools): Separate training shall be organized for the teachers teaching English medium sections in High Schools. This will be on English language communication and subject.

(D) Training will be on demand and based on needs of the teachers: The trainings are being organized in a non serious way. Certain teachers are not interested to attend the training programme and says that they don’t need training programmes. Therefore, willingness of the teachers to undergo training may be collected through MEOs and Dy.EOs. All the teachers will be informed about the contents of the training programme, venue, particulars of the RPs, training amounts etc. and requested for their willingness. Those who wants training alone can be invited for the training.

More info for TS/Telangana Rc 405 Dated 10.06.2015 School Academic Calendar 2015-16 released by the DSE Telangana,Primary School,Upper Primary School,High School,New School Timings,Formative Assessment (FA 1,FA 2,FA 3) Schedule,Summative Assessment Exams(SA 1,SA 2) Schedule,Term Holidays(1st term-Dasera ,2nd term-Sankranthi),Half Day Schools,Summer Holidays Click on bellow link


FA 1,FA 2,SA1/Quarterly,FA3,SA2/Halfyearly,SA3,Pre-final Exam Schedule

TS/Telangana FA 1,FA 2,SA1/Quarterly,FA3,SA2/Halfyearly,SA3,Pre-final Exam Schedule:
I. Academic Calendar - Main schedule of activities

• Reopening of the schools – 12th June, 2015

• Syllabus distribution – The syllabus for all subjects is distributed from the months of June, 2015 to 15th February, 2015. The syllabus was demarcated for Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual examinations.

1. Examinations schedule(Draft)



No. of working days and dates for
declaring results


before 30th July, 2015 – The

performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.

40 working days


before 30th August , 2015 – The

performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.

23 working days



21.09.2015 to 28.09.2015

after 78 working days

answer scripts to children and declaring results 29.09.2015 to 30.09.2015. Parents meeting on 03.10.2015


before 30th November, 2015 – The

performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.

37 working days

SA 2

17.12.2015 to 23.12.2015

answer scripts to children and declaring

results 28.12.2015 and 29.12.2015. Parents meeting on 31.12.2015.

after 50 working days


before 30th January, 2016 – The

performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.

after 22 working days

SA 3

07.03.2016 to 14.03.2016

after 52 working days

answer scripts to children and declaring results 16.03.2016 and 17.03.2016. Parents meeting on 21.03.2016.


for class X

15.02.2016 to 27.02.2016


Alternatively the dates for quarterly and half yearly have been discussed to hold before the Dasera and Sankranthi festivals i.e. during October and January as given hereunder.

• SA1 (quarterly) : 03.10.2015 to 09.10.2015 
• SA 2 (half yearly) : 02.01.2016 to 08.01.2016

However, if we follow the above timetable, the exam dates followed by vacation results in no working days during October and January for classroom transaction. Therefore, the timetable for the exams as shown in the table will be followed.

The dates and months of various internal exams as per accepting School Academic Calendar:

The internal exams i.e. Formative Assessment (FA) scheduled for four times i.e. FA1, FA2, FA3 and FA4. Further two summative assessments have been scheduled. The dates and months of both internals that is Formative Assessment and summative examinations are given here under.

Formative Assessment Schedule

Sl. noFormative Assessment (FA)Evaluating children works and awarding the grades
1FA1 31st July, 2015
2FA231st August, 2015
3FA330th November, 2015
4FA4 for classes I to IX 28th February, 2016
5FA4 for class X 31st January, 2016

Summative Assessment Schedule

Sl.NoSummative Assessment (SA)Dates for conducting Summative Assessments
1SA1 (First term)Before Dussehra vacation i.e. 3rd to 9th October, 2015
2SA2 (Second term) for classes I to IX7th to 14th March, 2016
3SSC Public ExamsAs decided by Government

After conduct of SA2 examinations, the teachers shall value the answer scripts and give it to the children and complete all related Records and Registers and declare the results on 20th March, 2016. Parents meeting may be convened and results may be discussed and Progress Cards (Cumulative Records) shall be issued to all the children on 20th March, 2016

More info for TS/Telangana Rc 405 Dated 10.06.2015 School Academic Calendar 2015-16 released by the DSE Telangana,Primary School,Upper Primary School,High School,New School Timings,Formative Assessment (FA 1,FA 2,FA 3) Schedule,Summative Assessment Exams(SA 1,SA 2) Schedule,Term Holidays(1st term-Dasera ,2nd term-Sankranthi),Half Day Schools,Summer Holidays Click on bellow link


Go.199 TA Ceiling exemption in the 5th State Finance Commission

Travelling Allowance - TA Ceiling exemption in the 5th State Finance Commission - Sanctioned - respect of the staff of Orders-Go.No 199 Dated 29.05.2015- lssued.


1. GO(P) No.74i2Ol2lFin dated 28.01.2012
2. S.R.O No. 78512014 dated 17.12.2014 issued vide GO(P) No.560 l2OL4lFin dated
3. Letter No. L{lA2lLslsth SFC. dated 25.04.20L5 from the Secretary, 5th State Finance Commission.


1.ln the notification read as 2 above, Government have constituted the sth Finance Commission to revievr the financial position of the Panchayats and Municipalities and to make suitable recommendations. The period of the Commission now decided is one year with effect from the date of notification. The Secretary, 5th State Finance Commission as per the letter read as 3 above, has requested Government to exempt the staff of the Commission from the purview of monthly/quarterly ceiling on TA as lot of statewide traveling is required for the timely collection/analysis of datQ for the functioning of the Commission a timebound one.

2.Government have examined the matter in detail and are pleased to order that the staff under the 5s State Finance Commission is exempted from the monthly/quarterly ceiling on TA fixed as per the Government Order read as L above for a period of one year from 17.12.20L4.

Download Go.No 199  Dated 29.05.2015