Thursday, September 03, 2015

Go.162 TS Vidya Volunteers Recruitment Guidelines

1. The Vidya Volunteers will be engaged from 21st September, 2015 to 20th April, 2016 for the schools as approved by the Director of School Education. They are purely temporary and can be terminated before 20th April,2016 also based on justifiable grounds by the School Management Committee (SMC).

2. The Vidya Volunteers shall be engaged to ensure regular functioning of the schools .

3. Candidates should have completed 18 years of age and upper age limit is 44 years as on 1st July, 2015. (5) years relaxation is given in case of SC / ST/BCs and (10) years for Physical Challenged persons.

4. Unit of roster is a District. As per the sanctioned number of Vidya Volunteers for the year 2015-16, the District Educational Officer (DEO) shall allot roster points first to the Mandal by arranging the Mandals in English alphabetical order. Later, in the Mandal he will arrange habitations in English alphabetical Order. Example is given below:-

Name of the District


No. of Habitations

No. Vidya Volunteers Allotted

Roster Point


( )Acchampet

( )Amrabad

A Habitation( )
B Habitation( )
A Habitation( )
B Habitation( )


1 to 4
5 to 7
8 to 10
11 and 12

5. The DEO shall communicate the list of schools along with roster points to the Mandal Educational Officer concerned for engaging the Vidya Volunteers. The Mandal Educational Officers in turn shall display the details on the notice boards of the Mandal Resource Centers, Primary Schools ,Upper Primary Schools, High Schools and all Gram Panchayats in the Mandal . The District Educational Officer shall give press note stating that the eligible candidates shall apply through on-line and display the details on his website.

6. The Candidates shall apply online and submit a signed print out of the application he/she uploaded along with the Certificates required, to the Mandal Educational Officer of the Mandal to which he/she applied within the time specified. The Mandal Educational Officer shall cause verification of the applications with reference to the Certificates enclosed and submit to the District Educational Officer duly countersigned. Copies of the Certificates to be enclosed are as follows :-
  • i) Copies of the SSC, Intermediate, Graduation, Post Graduation ,D.Ed., B.Ed., TET , Pandit Training, Oriental Title/ Bhasha Praveena/ Vidhwan along with Marks Memo.
  • ii) Local Candidate Certificate or Study Certificate issued by the Tahasildar .
  • iii) Caste Certificate issued by the Tahasildar ( Local Tribe Certificate in case of Agency area)
  • iv) Physically Challenged Certificate ( SADAREM ).
7. Engaging of Vidya Volunteers in Agency area shall be from local ST candidates only. If local ST candidates are not available ,then other ST candidate from Agency Area and later non-ST candidates residing in the Agency area shall be considered .

8. The following are the educational qualifications required for engaging Vidya Volunteers:-
  • a) For Primary Schools(Classes I to V):Intermediate with D.Ed. In case of non availability of candidates with D.Ed, B.Ed candidates may be considered.
  • b) For Upper Primary & Secondary Schools(Classes VI to X):Graduation with B.Ed. & Above.
  • c) For Languages in Upper Primary & Secondary Schools(Classes VI to X):
  • i. Graduation with the language concerned as optional and Pandit Training or B.Ed., in the relevant methodology.
  • ii. Post Graduation in the language concerned with Pandit Training/ B.Ed. with relevant methodology.
  • iii. Oriental Title/ Bhasha Praveena/ Vidhwan in the Language concerned or its equivalent with Pandit Training/B.Ed in the relevant methodology.
9. The following weightage shall be given to the eligible Candidates who have applied for the post of Vidya Volunteer:-

I. For Primary level:-

a) Intermediate - 40% weightage on total marks secured
b) D.Ed. - 30% weightage on total marks secured
c) Degree - 10 % weightage on total marks secured
d) Teacher Eligibility Test Paper I- 20 % weightage on total marks secured

II. For Upper Primary & Secondary level:-

a) Graduation/Oriental Title - 40% weightage on total marks secured
b) B.Ed./Pandit Training - 30% weightage on total marks secured
c) Post graduation - 10 % weightage on total marks secured
d) Teacher Eligibility Test Paper II- 20 % weightage on total marks secured

10 .If weightages of two or more Candidates are equal, qualification and then age shall be taken into consideration for arriving at the order of Candidates in the merit list.

11. Mandal is the unit for engaging of Vidya Volunteers basing on the roster points allotted to the Mandal. Merit lists shall be generated for each Mandal. As far as possible Candidates belonging to the same Mandal shall be engaged as Vidya Volunteer. If qualified Candidate is not available for a particular roster point in the Mandal, Candidates from the other roster points may be taken from the same Mandal. For Example : If no ST (W) Candidate is available in the Mandal , ST (Men or Women) i.e., General (G) may be considered . If no ST candidate is available in the Mandal , SC (W) may be considered . If no SC (W) Candidate is available in the Mandal , SC (G) may be considered . If no SC candidate is available in the Mandal ,following sequence shall be followed BC A (W),BC A (G),BC B(W), BC B(G),BC C(W), BC C (G),BC D(W), BC D (G), BC E(G) , OC(W),OC(G) . If Candidates are not available in the Mandal , same category of Candidates from neighbouring Mandals may be considered based on merit.

12. The DEO shall place the merit list of the Candidates so prepared before the District Level Committee comprising – District Collector; Project Officer, ITDA/Addl. Joint Collector/Chief Executive Officer, ZP and District Educational Officer as the Member Secretary. The District Collector shall personally head this Committee and oversee the entire process of engaging these Vidya Volunteers. After finalisation of the lists of Vidya Volunteers by the District Level Committee, the same shall be communicated to the Mandal Educational Officers for onward communication to the School Management Committees for engaging the Vidya Volunteers in the school. Any grievance on the above order lies in Appeal to the Director of School Education within a week from the date of publication of the lists by the SMCs.

13. The Cluster Head Master concerned shall be given the responsibility to coordinate with the SMCs concerned in engaging Vidya Volunteers. SMCs will enter into an Agreement with the Vidya Volunteer in the prescribed format.

14. The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad shall draw a detailed Schedule and communicate the same to the competent authorities to engage the Vidya Volunteers for the academic year 2015-2016.


Go 162 TS 7974 Vidya Volunteers Honorarium,Recruitment Permission Go

Go 162 TS  7974 Vidya Volunteers Honorarium,Recruitment Permission Go:School Education – Engaging of (7974) Vidya Volunteers for Rs.8,000/- per month for seven(7) months i.e., from 21th September, 2015 to 20th April, 2016–Permission- Accorded – Orders – Issued.

SCHOOL EDUCATION (Prog.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No. 162 Date:03 .09.2015

Read the following:-
  • 1) From the Director of School Education,Telangana, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.330/ PS2-2/ 2015, dt.23.8.2015.
  • 2) Revised guidelines received from the Director of School Education, Telangana,Hyderabad dt:3.9.2015.

Go 162 TS  7974 Vidya Volunteers Honorarium,Recruitment Permission Go

  • 1.In the circumstances reported by the Director of School Education (DSE), Telangana, Hyderabad in the references read above, the Government hereby accord permission to the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad for engaging (7974) (Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy Four) Vidya Volunteers with an honorarium of Rs.8,000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand only) per month, for seven(7) months i.e., from 21th September, 2015 to 20th April, 2016.
  • 2) The Director of School Education is requested to follow the Guidelines for the appointment of Vidya Volunteers for the year 2015-16 as mentioned in the Annexure enclosed scrupulously.
  • 3) The Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly.


TS/Telangana Deecet Dietcet 2016 Certificate Verification Dates

TS/Telangana Deecet Dietcet 2016 Certificate Verification Dates:All the DEECET 2015 candidates are here by informed that it is decided to verify all the original certificates of DEECET-2015 qualified candidates before generation of ranks. Hence all the students (qualified) are requested to attend the Government DIET College of the concerned District from where they appeared for DEECET 2015 Exam with all original certificates. The qualified marks for OC/BC are 35 in DEECET and there is no minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST students. The following schedule is given for verification of certificates.
TS/Telangana Deecet/Dietcet 2015 Certificate Verification Dates

Further, all the candidates are informed that if they are not attended for verification of certificates they shall not be allotted any rank and they are not eligible to participate in the counselling. Hence the qualified candidates are requested to attend for verification without fail.

The following original certificates are to be produced for verification.

  • 1. Intermediate or its equitant certificate
  • 2. SSC or its equitant certificate
  • 3. Study certificates I to X or Local area certificate issued by Revenue authorities in case of private study candidates
  • 4. Caste certificate issued by Tahasildar/MRO
  • 5. In case of special category candidates Viz PCP, NCC, Sports, Scouts and Guide and CAP candidates should submit relevant certificates in support of their claim.

For further details visit web site or contact phone no 8179517010


How to Give TS Edcet 2016 Web Options TSEdcet Web Options Process

TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options procedure details

How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process

TS Ed.CET– 2015 Admissions

1.Open the website Home page displayed as follows.
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process

2. Click on the Web Options link for Exercising options.
3. Instructions to candidate window will be displayed as follows.
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process
4. Read the instructions carefully, then click I Understood button.
5. Enter the details as shown in the option form and click on Submit button.
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process
6. Option form will be displayed as shown below with colleges on the left side. This window displays all the eligible colleges based on gender and specialization.
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process
  • Two types of filters are available to minimize the selection list. The first filter is college code and another filter is District-wise.
  • If you Type one of the Alphabets in college filter box, for example “P” is typed, then the college codes starting with alphabet “P” will be displayed
  • If you select Hyderabad District in the District combo box, the list of colleges available in Hyderabad district alone will be displayed.
  • Select the college on left window and click on Add button to add college to the right side window as option number one. Then next one will be added as second option and so on. The priority of options is displayed on the right side window.
  • You can modify the priority of options by clicking on the Modify button. Select an option, drag it to the required place and drop. Automatically the option will be moved to the new location and the priority numbers will be renumbered. (OR) Select the option and press the UP/DOWN arrow buttons present in between the tables to move up/down one level.
  • Select an option and Click the Delete button, then the option will be deleted from the selected list.
  • After satisfying with the selected list of colleges and their priorities, click on Save button and enter the password (OTP) which you received by SMS through the virtual key board available on the screen and click Confirm button, then the selected options are saved in the Server for processing, and the saved options will be displayed in printed format. Take a print and verify thoroughly the colleges and their priority.
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process
TSEdcet 2015 web options process,how to give tsedcet web options,web counselling,web options home page,telangana edcet 2015 web counselling,web options,How to Give TS Edcet 2015 Web Options-TSEdcet Web Options Process

7. The Saved options can be viewed and/or print through the Print options link from home page also. 8. The options exercised will be closed at 00.00 Hrs mid night on the last date specified for web options in the notification.
9. The options registered in the server will be frozen automatically on the last day specified in the notification and shall be used for seat allotment.
10. The options will be processed on the dates specified and the results will be communicated through SMS message to the registered mobile number, which you have provided and you can also take a print of the provisional allotment order from the website.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do not use mobiles and tablets to exercise the options. Use only computers.
  • Check college codes thoroughly before entering options
  • Write college codes in the order of preference on a white paper before entering into web.
  • Do not select colleges which you are not interested.
  • Avoid using slow internet facility.
  • Allotments will be made in the order of preference of options and exercise utmost care while entering options.
  • Allotments will be made in the rank order
  • Allotment made in the web counselling is final and cannot be altered under any circumstances.
  • Therefore only such colleges and courses that candidate will join without any hesitation should be chosen.
  • Convenor is not responsible for any technical or human errors from client side (Student side) while exercising options.
  • Keep your mobile with you while exercising options and do not block SMS.
