Tuesday, May 01, 2018

How to apply TS Rgukt iiit Basara admission into B.Tech 1st year course 2018-2019

How to apply TS Rgukt iiit Basara complete procedure details 2018-2019 : The candidates should follow the basic rules to apply  for  Rgukt Basara iiit B.Tech 1st year courses. So we have to given complete process to apply Rgukt Basara iiit from the following article.

How to apply TS Rgukt iiit Basara admission into B.Tech 1st year course 2018-2019

Rgukt official has given notification and Applications are invited for admission to the first year of 6-Year Integrated B.Tech program at RGUKT Basar (Telangana State) for the academic year 2017-2018. Submission of online application involves following two steps: 
  1. Application submission
  2. Fee Payment.

How To Apply Rgukt Basara iiit process

a) The candidates should apply through TSOnline services only.

b) Application Fee: Rs. 200.00 (for OC and BC candidates) Rs. 150.00 (for SC and ST candidates)

c) The application fee should be paid in cash at TSOnline service center, for which the center will issue a receipt.

d) An additional amount of Rs. 25.00 per application should be paid as service charges to the TS Online Centre

e) If any candidate applies more than once, then the latest application will be considered for the selection process.

f) Immediately after submitting the application through online, the applicant should send its print-out duly signed along with copy of the receipt mentioned in 2(c) above and the relevant certificates to 
The Director, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Basar,
Nirmal District, Telangana State-504107, 
by Speed Post / Registered Post. The candidates should write on top of the cover ‘Application for Admissions 2018 – RGUKT - Basar’.
How to apply TS Rgukt iiit Basara admission into B.Tech 1st year course 2018-2019

Rgukt Basara iiit  admissions-List of Certificates to be enclosed along with print-out of online application

Certified copies of the following certificates / documents should be sent along with the print–out of the online application form submitted through TSOnline Services:

a) The receipt issued by the TSOnline services (see 2(c) above).

b) Hall Ticket of 10th Class or its equivalent.

c) Study Certificates from Fourth class to Tenth class/ Residence certificate by those claiming Local category (in any of Osmania University areas (Telangana State), (for details, see Annexure - III).

d) Residence certificate / service certificate of parents by those claiming un reserved category of seats (for details, see Annexure - IV).

e) Proof of caste / community certificate (SC/ST/BC) in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under any of these categories (for details see Annexure - V).

f) Physically Handicapped (PH) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category (for details see Annexure - VI).

g) Children of Armed Forces (CAP) certificate in the prescribed proforma by those claiming reservation under this category (for details see Annexure - VII).

h) NCC certificate by those claiming reservation under this category (for details see Annexure -VIII).

i) Sports certificate(s) at the level of inter-district and above by those claiming reservation under this category (for details see Annexure - VIII).

If any doubt in this regard please comment bellow 
Official website :http://admissions.rgukt.ac.in
How to apply Rgukt Basara iiit complete procedure details 2017, basar iiit online application form 2017 2018, basara iiit notification 2017 2018,last date for rgukt iiit apply


AP ssc recounting application 2018-2019 - 10th class Revaluation procedure

AP ssc recounting application 2018-2019 - 10th class Revaluation procedure : AP 10th Revaluation / Recounting Procedure Application, Date, Fee 2018 details released by Board of Secondary Education Andhra Pradesh. Students who are not satisfied with obtained marks and seeking to apply for Re-Evaluation or recounting of answer sheet by using proper step by step process. Candidates have to download the application, pay application fee before last date and proceed for AP SSC Revaluation or Recounting of answer paper. They can also option for Scanned or Xerox copy of their answer sheet.
AP ssc recounting application 2018-2019 - 10th class Revaluation procedure

AP ssc recounting application 2018-2019 - 10th class Revaluation procedure

AP 10th Revaluation Dates 2018, Procedure, Application Form and other details. BSE Andhra Pradesh SSC Reverification / Recounting last date fee challan can be downloade @ bseap.org or bse.ap.gov.in. Candidates can apply for RV/ RC of AP 10th class results by downloading application form and submit directly at Counters Constituted at designated points to be announced by the District Educational Officers concerned. or Candidates can directly contact respective schools principals to proceed the whole process.
  • The candidates can pay Rs 500 for recounting Rs 1000 for Re verification cum xerox sheets of answer sheets.
  • Last Date to apply: 14th May, 2018

Provisions included in Re verification

1) Re totalling
2) Whether marks for all answers are posted or not.
3) Re-verification as per the Principles of valuation for only those answers which are Un-valued. Un-valued answers will be valued and marks will be awarded.

Here we have provided details of AP 10th Revaluation / Recounting Procedure Application, Date, Fee 2018. We also provided direct links to check and download RV/RC application. You can follow these steps to check your AP BSE Re-Evaluation / Re-Verification of answer sheet. Still if you have any doubts in downloading or checking results you can write us in below comment section. Stay tune to our website regularly for more updates. we hope all the students will get good & better results. We wish you all the best.

Official website : http://bseap.org/
