OU Degree UG 1st semester Internal exam dates 1st year schedule 2016
OU Degree UG 1st semester Internal exam dates 1st year schedule 2016 :Examination Branch officials of Osmania University informed to all principals of degree colleges of the telangana state regarding of internal exams for under graduate courses for the academic year 2016-2017.Officials has announced reschedule of internal assessment test of 1st semester
OU Degree UG 1st semester Internal exam dates 1st year schedule 2016
Through the University letter cited, the almanac for the undergraduate courses B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com.(Gen.), B.Com.(Comp.), B.Com.(Voc.), B.Com. (Hons.)/ BSW / BBA Courses) for the academic year 2016-2017 was communicated. In this regard, it is informed that the University has decided to have only one Internal Assessment Test for the I Year 1st Semester of the undergraduate courses for the academic year 2016-2017.
Osmania University Degree Internal exam dates 2016
Therefore, the Internal Assessment test which was scheduled on 23rd & 24th August, 2016 is rescheduled to 21st & 22nd October, 2016 . Further, it is also informed that there shall be no Second Internal Assessment test in I Year 1st Semester for the academic year 2016-2017.
However, there is no change in the remaining academic schedule that has been communicated already. You are therefore, requested to take necessary action in the matter.
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